GMM GROUP is enthusiast to participate as a partner to the Breast Cancer Update congress organized by JFIM Journée Francophone d’Imagerie Medicale and Luc ROTENBERG in Dubai, from 20th to 23rd of March’22.
During the congress, IMS GIOTTO and PRIMAX (part of GMM GROUP) will present dedicated symposiums:
“CESM – Computed Enhanced Spectral Mammography in daily practice”
CESM with IMS GIOTTO CLASS system: basic technical points and indications | Dr. Luc Rotenberg (France)
Pre-surgical local staging with CESM: Italian experience with an IMS Giotto Class system in Ancona and Milano European Institute of Oncology | Dr. Enrico Cassano (Italy) with remote participation of Dr. Paola Ercolani
Both symposiums will be available at the end of BCU event in our website.